Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Bedtime Conversation

We have been having a lot of trouble with Avah arguing and talking back to us.  She seems to be getting a little "too big for her britches " you might say!  Tonight when I told her it was time to get her pajamas on, she responded with a firm "NO, I am not going to get them on!"  I gave her a quick reminder of the timeout that she got this morning for continuing to argue with me and she gave in to putting them on.  While she was getting dressed, this was the conversation!  

"I turned my arguers off, Mom"  
"You did?"
"Yes, they are in mouth and I turned them off"
"Can you turn them on and off like your listening ears?"
"Yes, right now they are off. But, if Jenna tries to take a toy that I don't want her to play with, I will turn them back on."

Are we in trouble, or what??  


Tishy said...

"You been in trouble girl, you just not totally realized it yet." I love how kids begin to verbalize and rationalize things outloud! I think there was an apology and an admission of submission in there somewhere.... amidst the announcement that she is still largely in charge.

Dizzyhappymama said...

heehee, go ahead ad enroll that girl in law school!!

Jeff, Emmi & Kylie said...

Too funny! I bet there is never a dull momment at your house!

Kristen said...

Boy, now I know what to look forward too. Avery has just the same attitude! Your girls are beautiful!